Thursday, September 8, 2011


Well it happened.  My 'toddler' made the birthday transition to 'preschooler.'  As of September second, I am now the Mama of a three year old.  So far not much has changed.  The biggest change is that at some point every day she asks, 'Mama I stiw fwee?'  Yes baby, you are still three.  Oh, and the insistence that 'I a big giwl!'  Here she is in her birthday shirt and hair bow I made.  It was impossible to get a good picture because, well, three year olds are incapable of standing still!
Next on my list of things to update you about:...we are gearing up for...wait for it...more appointments.  I know that's not really news, but it sort of is.  I was a little bummed at first, but then quickly remembered how awesome of a summer we had making multiple trips to the splash park, visiting friends, going to the park and on picnics, riding our bikes, feeding the ducks and geese at the river, playing outside, and getting really excited about picking tomatoes and eating them before Mama or Papa even realizes what happened (a girl after her Mama's heart I tell you).
The short of it is that Abigail has been having some pretty major GERD (acid reflux) issues over the last few weeks, which included some projectile vomiting.  Our awesome and wonderful family doctor (seriously, we have seen lots of doctors and she is still a favorite amongst them all) did some research after I e-mailed her symptoms and we are starting a second medicine.  We have also agreed that it would be good to see an actual specialist for Abigail's mastocytosis (what is the most likely cause of her GERD issues).  We haven't pushed much because there are no specialist in the state.  So it will be a drive, but with the little things that are coming up related to it we all agree it would be a good idea to do this.
In other news, I know I shared that Abigail no longer qualifies for services (still true) but we were still really excited to sit in a meeting and here all about how smart she is.  The school system does all these different assessments for cognitive, large, and fine motor skills.  Her motor skills (large and fine) were both on the low end of the scare of normal, but we weren't too surprised about that.  The numbers for cognitive though sort of confirmed our suspicions.  I mean, every parent thinks their kid is smart, so we try really hard not to go too overboard with it, but all the averages were 85-100 and her lowest score was a 118 all the way up to 144 (I don't have the paperwork so can't give you the officials). 
They did tell me it would be good to put her in preschool, because she didn't interact with any of the kids in the classroom that day; so she might benefit from learning to play with others.   Ummmm...we were in the classroom for about thirty minutes and Abigail tends to take a little while to warm up to new situations.  I'm not really up for paying to send her somewhere to learn to play?!  Maybe that's just me, but that sounds absurd.  We will stick with Sunday school, playgroup, parks, playing with friends, ballet, and story time.  I feel like since she gets peer interaction three or more days a week that we are doing just fine.  And quite frankly I like her, and I like spending time with her. 

Anyway, we are mostly just enjoying life with a three year old now.  The weather is starting to turn here so we are trying to squeeze in some end of the season camping trips and time outside.  Abigail got this camera from us for her birthday.  So I may let my next blog post be filled with the pictures she has taken of the couch from 1/4" away, her feet, the ceiling, just something white, our trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum on Labor Day.  I will leave you with the anticipation of that.


  1. Yeah, birthday's are nice but all the doctors appointments that come with Joey's birthday's aren't so nice.

    We found that it's more difficult to qualify for school services. Early Intervention (First Steps) that does the birth until 3 years old qualifies more kids. I think that Joey just barely qualifies and what helps get him in the preschool (for free) on an IEP is his history. Sort of a 'lets not take any chances on this one' sort of thing.

    Also, someone contacted me by e-mail (don't really know how she found me but I'm guessing it's my blog) about plexiforms. I told her our debulking story from when Joey was 3ish months old and sent her to your blog. She had a address so I'm assuming she's from the UK somewhere.

  2. Happy belated birthday to Abigail! And she's got the same birthday as my mom, though several decades apart ;)

  3. Happy Birthday Abigail!!

    And I sooo agree with you decision about school! if I didn't have to send Emmie I wouldn't. Not too many kids will just jump in and start playing with other kids right off the bat. I know my wouldn't. That's completely normal. And to have to pay to play is a little silly.

    Savor the time you have with her all to yourself.
